Grant advice since 1997

The world of grants hold no secrets for us 

Every progressive idea deserves a chance. That is why we support entrepreneurs, government and educational institutions in realizing their ambitions.

We do this with 90 passionate specialists and on the basis of more than 20 years of experience.

Ontwerp Zonder Titel (5)


Discover the most extensive grants database in the Netherlands

With the Vindsubsidies database you will automatically be kept informed of the latest news in the world of grants. The database makes it possible to search for grant opportunities yourself or you will be warned if there are new grant or funding opportunities for your project available.

Every day we help organizations to push boundaries with grants

Our team consists of more than 90 professionals who do everything they can to help our customers in the world of grants every day.

Party Confetti

20+ years of experience

After 20 years, the world of grants no longer holds any secret for us

Check Badge Alternate

Active throughout the Netherlands

We have also pushed our boundaries. Where we once started with an office in Goor, we now have offices in Enschede, Deventer, Druten and Utrecht

Provincie Overijssel Vindsubsidies

Making the impossible possible for organizations

We are down to earth and dedicated, but at the same time have boundless ambitions.

In order to realize those ambitions, we work together with your organization on growth. Just as we work with many other organizations to accelerate projects - large or small - that make our innovation heart beat faster.